Archive for March, 2011

All Americans Are Egyptians and Libyans Now

As the USA, through the UN and NATO, began using its military might to help Libyan protesters protect themselves against their brutal dictator we have seen pundits, both liberals and conservatives, raise their voices, fearing that protesters will end up creating a radically fundamentalist Islamic state or that America will become embroiled in another protracted struggle, spending billions as we have in Iraq and Afghanistan. On the left we hear Dennis Kucinich expressing opposition to another war, while conservatives raise fears of aiding and abetting Al Qaeda sympathizers in creating a Jihadist state.

It is important, if not critical, that Americans understand the deep philosophical forces driving the protests and the parallel to our own situation. Following are my thoughts in summary form.

Of course we cannot be sure if the net result of western intervention will lead to a healthy west-leaning Libyan democracy that benefits its people.

Nor can we be sure the revolution will not be taken over by Islamist extremists like Al Qaeda. Freedom from tyrannical dictators brings uncertainties.

It is therefore important that we understand the forces that motivate Tunisians, Egyptians, Bahrainis, Jordanians, Yemenis, Syrians, Libyans, Saudis and others to rise up in protest in the span of a few days.

4. I’ve been reading the 1992 classic by Francis Fukuyama – The End of History. He notes that we have seen a steady movement toward democracy since 1790 when the USA, France and Switzerland were the only liberal democracies in the world. By 1990 there were 61 democracies and many others have been added since. Even though many dictatorships in north Africa and the Middle East have achieved economic growth, mostly as a result of oil exports, there has been no movement until recently toward liberal democracy.

5. Fukuyama notes that most of those 61 democracies have also embraced some form of capitalism.

6. Fukuyama notes that philosophers since the days of Greece have evolved a kind of consensus that the reason for the relentless worldwide move toward some combination of democracy coupled with some form of capitalism is a universal human longing for freedom, autonomy and recognition – a desire to be acknowledged, a longing for self-esteem, . He says: “The desire for recognition, then, can provide the missing link between liberal economics and liberal politics…” The philosopher Frederick Hegel was the first to identify the historical evolution of humanity’s drive toward individual freedom, i.e. finding self-esteem through being recognized as an individual with both economic and political autonomy.

7. That is what drives the young and better educated Egyptians, Libyans, Syrians, Bahrainis, Jordanians and others in the middle east. They want to be free from dictators who limit their freedom to pursue recognition through liberal democracy and capitalism. A favorite refrain of Egyptian protesters was: “It is better to die than to live without dignity”.

Unfortunately, we are learning in America that liberal capitalism and democracy can be derailed if not carefully protected by its citizens. It is an immutable trait of capitalism that unless held in check through democratic action, there will be a concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. The invisible hand becomes the invisible foot as monopolistic capitalists (modern corporations and their executives) crush the average citizen. It happened in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was only prevented by Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt through government regulations. The handmaidens of large corporations have once again achieved a high degree of control of our economic and political life. The average American citizen does not yet know that his freedom to pursue dignity, recognition and self-esteem is being hijacked by those powerful forces.

How have those forces highjacked American liberal democracy and capitalism? The simple answer is that the democratic power to protect the dignity and self esteem of average citizens has been systematically dismantled. First, elected officials have found it necessary to raise more and more political contributions in order to win their elections. Corporations and their executives have therefore found it possible to “buy” political support for their vested interests; and to sustain it with payments to high powered lobbyists. The Republican Party has almost completely aligned itself with large corporations and the wealthy, along with fundamentalist and evangelical Christians who oppose abortion and gay rights. Liberal Democrats see those rights as fundamental to human dignity, and self-esteem for those affected. Yet the Democratic Party has also been dependent on corporations and their executives for the majority of funds required to get their candidates elected. Consequently Democratic lawmakers have acquiesced to Republican sponsored efforts benefiting corporations and the wealthy. Since the election of Ronald Reagan every Republican administration has systematically reduced taxes on corporations and wealthy citizens resulting in huge budget deficits and exploding government debt; has whittled away at government regulations; has eliminated oversight of mergers and acquisitions; has relentlessly privatized publicly owned utilities; has weakened the power of the Food and Drug Administration over pharmaceutical, petroleum, chemical, mining, and other industries; and has eliminated Glass Stegall regulations on banks. Numerous other regulatory activities intended to place limits on corporate power were weakened. To complete the takeover, the Supreme Court has been stacked with Justices sympathetic to the interests of corporations and the wealthy, resulting among other things in a ruling that eliminates restrictions on political action expenditures by corporations (Citizens United ruling). As a result America is rapidly becoming a nation of the Corporations by the Corporations and for the Corporations and their executives. Ironically and foolishly average Americans who support the Republican and TEA parties are aiding and abetting in the destruction of their own dignity and self esteem.

Net result – Average American citizens are all Egyptians and Libyans now.

Meanwhile even the Wall Street Journal has published an article confirming my earlier point that America is already embroiled in class warfare. And the wealthy are winning big time. The Journal is warning its readers, the rich, to be vigilant.

When will the vast majority of affected voters wake up and rise up in protest?

Kelly M. Harrison, Phd
Political Economist

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A Call to War

America is at war.

I’m not talking about the war we’re waging against the Taliban in Afghanistan, a war being prosecuted largely by poorly educated young people from our lowest income families who have few other job opportunities.

Nor am I talking about the costly war instigated after 9/11/2001, fighting like Don Quixote against the nebulous enemy usually labeled as Islamic terrorists or Al Quaeda.

It’s not the cold war against the few remaining militant communists in North Korea and Cuba, or the standoff against fundamentalist Shiites in Iran.

Those are all costly wars that eat up 20 percent of our national budget, which is exactly the same amount we spend on Social Security. But those are not the most important or most costly wars for the average American.

The socially costly war I’m talking about is a WAR BY THE WEALTHY AGAINST THE REST OF US.

Ronald Reagan instigated it in 1980 when he set in motion a series of tax cuts that have continued under both Democrats and Republicans. When he took office the marginal income tax rate for the wealthiest Americans was 71 percent, and that was down from 91 percent during the Eisenhower administration. The marginal tax rate today for the wealthiest Americans is only 35% and the tax they pay on their investment earnings is only 15%. In addition there are thousands of loopholes in the IRS tax code that result in even lower rates for the rich.

Just this year President Obama and liberal democrats joined with Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts while the government’s budget deficit ballooned to over $1.6 trillion and our national debt is over $14 trillion.

Yet even the so-called liberal Democrats, who in the past would have argued for higher tax rates for the wealthy, now join the chorus of Republicans for lower taxes even for the wealthiest citizens.

Meanwhile nearly 45 million Americans are living below the poverty line of $10,800. Most are forced to survive without health insurance and only because they collect food stamps.

The middle is also affected as nearly 73 percent of Americans have a net worth of less than $10,000. Even if they own their homes, the mortgage debt combined with credit card and other debts leaves little net worth. Up to one-third of their children are illiterate or semiliterate.

Author Jim Hightower has put it this way: “Never have so many given so much for so few.”

Who are the wealthy? The 400 richest people in the USA have more combined wealth than the bottom 50% – about 155 million Americans. They are overwhelmingly the owners and executives of large corporations.

Those and other somewhat less wealthy are the people who contribute a very high percentage of campaign contributions to both Democratic and Republican political campaigns. And last year the Supreme Court gave the corporations who employ the wealthy the legal right to contribute unlimited amounts to influence political campaigns.

The scales have been heavily tipped to benefit the already one-sided war in favor of the rich. Conservative politicians at both the state and federal level want to drastically reduce public spending by cutting jobs and salaries of public employees, teachers, health workers, and others, as well as reducing safety net payments for the sick and poor; and in the process eliminating collective bargaining. The result almost certainly will be a second great recession if not a depression.

In a New York Times article in 2006 one of the richest men in America said:

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

It is normally forbidden in today’s politically correct environment, to mention class warfare without being considered a radical or a nut. Also many citizens don’t regard themselves as working people, even though the vast majority, including millions of white-collar workers, accept relatively low wages that do not keep pace with the real rate of inflation. They will soon understand: it’s time for action.


Our ancestors fought a more violent war against the robber barons and big bankers, like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gould, the Rothschild’s and J.P. Morgan. It was a long war that resulted in workers having the right to collective bargaining, minimum wage and anti-monopoly laws, 8 hour work days, women’s suffrage, the progressive income tax and many other rights for the less privileged.

Our ancestors felt they had no choice but to use violent methods.

We now have the example of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Our war will be waged non-violently. How ironic that people of the ancient Egyptian civilization have shown us the way in the past two months. How fitting that Wisconsin, one of our traditionally most liberal states, has followed those examples, standing non-violently against a tyrannical Republican governor who sought to deny the right of public workers to collective bargaining.



You may send comments and suggestions to

Kelly M. Harrison, PhD
Political Economist

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Erosion of Liberal Democracy

The theme of this blog is that the USA must and will have to live with zero real economic growth. The explanation for that assertion is complicated. Until now I have only hinted at some of the reasons. My research is ongoing. However, I believe the following essay provides an excellent indication of the deterioration of life for the average citizen. It provides thought provoking evidence of the moral decay that is at the root of zero growth; and shows how the middle and poverty classes will continue to suffer the most as a consequence. He offers thought provoking quotations of ancestors who faced strikingly similar circumstances.

I urge you to at least read his introductory paragraph, objectively evaluating his assertions against the reality all around you.

And watch for my next post on this blog.

Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand
Posted on Mar 14, 2011

By Chris Hedges

The liberal class is discovering what happens when you tolerate the intolerant. Let hate speech pollute the airways. Let corporations buy up your courts and state and federal legislative bodies. Let the Christian religion be manipulated by charlatans to demonize Muslims, gays and intellectuals, discredit science and become a source of personal enrichment. Let unions wither under corporate assault. Let social services and public education be stripped of funding. Let Wall Street loot the national treasury with impunity. Let sleazy con artists use lies and deception to carry out unethical sting operations on tottering liberal institutions, and you roll out the welcome mat for fascism.

The liberal class has busied itself with the toothless pursuits of inclusiveness, multiculturalism, identity politics and tolerance—a word Martin Luther King never used—and forgotten about justice. It naively sought to placate ideological and corporate forces bent on the destruction of the democratic state. The liberal class, like the misguided democrats in the former Yugoslavia or the hapless aristocrats in the Weimar Republic, invited the wolf into the henhouse. The liberal class forgot that, as Karl Popper wrote in “The Open Society and Its Enemies,” “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”

Workers in this country paid for their rights by suffering brutal beatings, mass expulsions from company housing and jobs, crippling strikes, targeted assassinations of union leaders and armed battles with hired gun thugs and state militias. The Rockefellers, the Mellons, the Carnegies and the Morgans—the Koch Brothers Industries, Goldman Sachs and Wal-Mart of their day—never gave a damn about workers. All they cared about was profit. The eight-hour workday, the minimum wage, Social Security, pensions, job safety, paid vacations, retirement benefits and health insurance were achieved because hundreds of thousands of workers physically fought a system of capitalist exploitation. They rallied around radicals such as “Mother” Jones, United Mine Workers’ President John L. Lewis and “Big” Bill Haywood and his Wobblies as well as the socialist presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs.

Lewis said, “I have pleaded your case from the pulpit and from the public platform—not in the quavering tones of a feeble mendicant asking alms, but in the thundering voice of the captain of a mighty host, demanding the rights to which free men are entitled.”

Those who fought to achieve these rights endured tremendous suffering, pain and deprivation. It is they who made possible our middle class and opened up our democracy. The elite hired goons and criminal militias to evict striking miners from company houses, infiltrate fledgling union organizations and murder suspected union leaders and sympathizers. Federal marshals, state militias, sheriff’s deputies and at times Army troops, along with the courts and legislative bodies, were repeatedly used to crush and stymie worker revolts. Striking sugar cane workers were gunned down in Thibodaux, La., in 1887. Steel workers were shot to death in 1892 in Homestead, Pa. Railroad workers in the Pullman strike of 1894 were murdered. Coal miners at Ludlow, Colo., in 1914 and at Matewan, W.Va., in 1920 were massacred. Our freedoms and rights were paid for with their courage and blood.

American democracy arose because those consciously locked out of the system put their bodies on the line and demanded justice. The exclusion of the poor and the working class from the systems of power in this country was deliberate. The Founding Fathers deeply feared popular democracy. They rigged the system to favor the elite from the start, something that has been largely whitewashed in public schools and by a corporate media that has effectively substituted myth for history. Europe’s poor, fleeing to America from squalid slums and workhouses in the 17th and 18th centuries, were viewed by the privileged as commodities to exploit. Slaves, Native Americans, indentured servants, women, and men without property were not represented at the Constitutional Conventions. And American history, as Howard Zinn illustrated in “The People’s History of the United States,” is one long fight by the marginalized and disenfranchised for dignity and freedom. Those who fought understood the innate cruelty of capitalism.

“When you sell your product, you retain your person,” said a tract published in the 1880s during the Lowell, Mass., mill strikes. “But when you sell your labour, you sell yourself, losing the rights of free men and becoming vassals of mammoth establishments of a monied aristocracy that threatens annihilation to anyone who questions their right to enslave and oppress. Those who work in the mills ought to own them, not have the status of machines ruled by private despots who are entrenching monarchic principles on democratic soil as they drive downwards freedom and rights, civilization, health, morals and intellectuality in the new commercial feudalism.”

As Noam Chomsky points out, the sentiment expressed by the Lowell millworkers predated Marxism.
“At one time in the U.S. in the mid-nineteenth century, a hundred and fifty years ago, working for wage labor was considered not very different from chattel slavery,” Chomsky told David Barsamian. “That was not an unusual position. That was the slogan of the Republican Party, the banner under which Northern workers went to fight in the Civil War. We’re against chattel slavery and wage slavery. Free people do not rent themselves to others. Maybe you’re forced to do it temporarily, but that’s only on the way to becoming a free person, a free man, to put it in the rhetoric of the day. You become a free man when you’re not compelled to take orders from others. That’s an Enlightenment ideal. Incidentally, this was not coming from European radicalism. There were workers in Lowell, Mass., a couple of miles from where we are. You could even read editorials in the New York Times saying this around that time. It took a long time to drive into people’s heads the idea that it is legitimate to rent yourself. Now that’s unfortunately pretty much accepted. So that’s internalizing oppression. Anyone who thinks it’s legitimate to be a wage laborer is internalizing oppression in a way which would have seemed intolerable to people in the mills, let’s say, a hundred and fifty years ago. … [I]t’s an [unfortunate] achievement [of indoctrination in our culture].”

Our consumer society and celebrity culture foster a frightening historical amnesia. We chatter mindlessly about something called the “American Dream.” And now that the oligarchic elite have regained control of all levers of power, and that dream is being exposed as a cruel hoax, we are being shoved back into the cage. There will be hell to pay to get back to where we were.

Slick public relations campaigns, the collapse of public education—nearly a third of the country is illiterate or semiliterate—and the rise of amoral politicians such as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who posed as liberals while they sold their souls for corporate money, have left us largely defenseless. The last vestiges of unionized workers in the public sector are reduced to protesting in Wisconsin for collective bargaining—in short, the ability to ask employers for decent working conditions. That shows how far the country has deteriorated. And it looks as though even this basic right to ask, as well as raise money through union dues, has been successfully revoked in Madison. The only hope now is more concerted and militant disruptions of the systems of power.

The public debate, dominated by corporate-controlled systems of information, ignores the steady impoverishment of the working class and absence of legal and regulatory mechanisms to prevent mounting corporate fraud and abuse. The airwaves are saturated with corporate apologists. They ask us why public-sector employees have benefits—sneeringly called “entitlements”—which nonunionized working- and middle-class people are denied. This argument is ingenious. It pits worker against worker in a mad scramble for scraps. And until we again speak in the language of open class warfare, grasping, as those who went before us did, that the rich will always protect themselves at our expense, we are doomed to a 21st century serfdom.
The pillars of the liberal establishment, which once made incremental and piecemeal reform possible, have collapsed. The liberal church forgot that heretics exist. It forgot that the scum of society—look at the new Newt Gingrich—always wrap themselves in the flag and clutch the Christian cross to promote programs that mock the core teachings of Jesus Christ. And, for all their years of seminary training and Bible study, these liberal clergy have stood by mutely as televangelists betrayed and exploited the Gospel to promote bigotry, hatred and greed. What was the point, I wonder, of ordination? Did they think the radical message of the Gospel was something they would never have to fight for? Schools and universities, on their knees for corporate dollars and their boards dominated by hedge fund and investment managers, have deformed education into the acquisition of narrow vocational skills that serve specialized corporate interests and create classes of drone-like systems managers. They make little attempt to equip students to make moral choices, stand up for civic virtues and seek a life of meaning. These moral and ethical questions are never even asked. Humanities departments are vanishing as swiftly as the ocean’s fish stocks.

The electronic and much of the print press has become a shameless mouthpiece for the powerful and a magnet for corporate advertising. It makes little effort to give a platform to those who without them cannot be heard, instead diverting us with celebrity meltdowns, lavish lifestyle reports and gossip. Legitimate news organizations, such as NPR and The New York Times, are left cringing and apologizing before the beast—right-wing groups that hate “liberal” news organizations not because of any bias, but because they center public discussion on verifiable fact. And verifiable fact is not convenient to ideologues whose goal is the harnessing of inchoate rage and hatred.

Artists, who once had something to say, have retreated into elite enclaves, preoccupied themselves with abstract, self-referential garbage, frivolous entertainment and spectacle. Celebrities, working for advertising agencies and publicists, provide our daily mini-dramas and flood the airwaves with lies on behalf of corporate sponsors. The Democratic Party has sold out working men and women for corporate money. It has permitted the state apparatus to be turned over to corporate interests. There is no liberal institution left—the press, labor, culture, public education, the church or the Democratic Party—that makes any effort to hold back the corporate juggernaut. It is up to us.

We have tolerated the intolerant—from propaganda outlets such as Fox News to Christian fascists to lunatics in the Republican Party to Wall Street and corporations—and we are paying the price. The only place left for us is on the street. We must occupy state and federal offices. We must foment general strikes. The powerful, with no check left on their greed and criminality, are gorging on money while they busily foreclose our homes, bust the last of our unions, drive up our health care costs and cement into place a permanent underclass of the broken and the poor. They are slashing our most essential and basic services—including budgets for schools, firefighters and assistance programs for children and the elderly—so we can pay for the fraud they committed when they wiped out $14 trillion of housing wealth, wages and retirement savings. All we have left is the capacity to say “no.” And if enough of us say “no,” if enough of us refuse to cooperate, the despots are in trouble.

“Let me give you a word of the philosophy of reforms,” Frederick Douglass said in 1857. “The whole history of the progress of human history shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of struggle. … If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. …”

Chris Hedges’ column appears every Monday at Truthdig. Hedges, a fellow at The Nation Institute and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, is the author of “Death of the Liberal Class.”

Kelly M. Harrisonm, Phd
Political Economist

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